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miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Arroyomolinos: First part

These are the frontiers of Madrid:

This is Avila in the north:

This is Toledo in the south:

These are the goegraphical coordinates of Arroyomolinos:

These are some of near villages of Arroyomolinos:



And these are the frontiers of Arroyomolinos:



Moraleja de Enmedio:

The dlimate of Arroyomolinos i did in the other post

The landscape of Arroyomolinos is: it has a lot fo vegetation, trees, flowers, etc. It has too little hills.

The population of Aroyomolinos is around the 17.000 people. It has a good transport with a lot fo bus but we don't have the metro.

History of Arroyomolinos:

According to some sources, Arroyomolinos was founded during the Muslim invasion, later to be reconquered by King Alfonso VI of Castile in his advance toward the decisive conquest of Toledo (1085). By then, the place was known by the name of the Arroyo Huts.

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